The Beginning
August 7th, 2020
Today I finally sat down to start working on a brainchild I've been mulling for a while. The game is still definitely in the 'brainstorm', phase, but today produced some (problematic) loglines, which are helpuflly showing me the weak spots in my game plot. As far as mediums, I'll be working in Unity and Blender for this particular game, and doing hand-drawn concept art.
As I usually work with a team of developers and artists, I'm not sure if I should be writing down the story first, or working out mechanics. I'll be researching that a bit, next time.
I also broke out Blender, which I haven't worked with in a while, and was pleased that my skills weren't too rusty. I'll be working up 3D assets for the game as I finish writing the Game Design Document (GDD).
I've also started working on some concept art for the GDD, and am playing with a ink and alcohol marker style, which may be a bit tricy to render in 3D. I need to look into writing shader code, to style the game assets.

More next time!